



In questo mio rifugio fatto di tante passioni, di tanti piaceri, di tanta vita passata e presente, troverete racconti, pittura, scultura, poesia, artigianato, omaggi alle persone delle quali ho un  ricordo viscerale. Credo che tutti lasciamo in quelli che conosciamo pezzi di noi stessi, che possono vivere per sempre e che devono essere ricordati come segno del nostro passaggio in un mondo che bene o male ci ha accolto… Ecco la mia memoria, quella che forse qualcuno dirà “è vero io l’ho conosciuta/o”, “anche io ricordo quello”. E magari sorriderete, o piangerete o vi prenderà la nostalgia: l’importante che le emozioni vengano a galla. Non siamo delle pietre, benché anche esse, essendo parte dei paesaggi, ci emozionano. Quindi spalancate il vostro cuore, la vostra anima, come faccio io nell’ esprimermi in questo viaggio nel mare della vita. Prendete la vostra nave e partite.

Ci faremo compagnia.





Songwriters: David Gates


I found her diary underneath a tree. and started reading about me The words she's written took me by surpise you'd never read them in her eyes. They said that she had found the love she waited for. Wouldn't you know it, she wouldn't show it.  When she confronted with the writing there, simply pretended not to care. I passed it off as just in keeping with her total disconcerting air and though she tried to hide the love that she denied, wouldn't you know it, she wouldn't show it.  And as I go through my life, I will give to her my wife all the sweet things that I can find.  I found her diary underneath a tree. and started reading about me. The words began stick and tears to flow. Her meaning now was clear to see. The love she'd waited for was someone else not me Wouldn't you know it, she wouldn't show it.  and as I go through my life, I will wish for her his wife all the sweet things that she can find all the sweet things they can find